Osteopathy with Amy Vowles
First Appointment with treatment - £60
First Appointment without treatment - £30
Follow on Appointment - £50
Under 18s
First Appointment with treatment - £48
First Appointment without treatment - £28
Follow on Appointment - £40
Osteopathy with Callum Smith & Melissa Martin
First Appointment with treatment - £52
First Appointment without treatment - £30
Follow on Appointment - £45
16-18 Year Olds
First Appointment with treatment - £42
First Appointment without treatment - £20
Follow on Appointment - £34
Late/Missed/Cancelled Appointments
We reserve the right to charge the cost of a full treatment for late/missed/cancelled appointments. This charge will only be made if you provide less than 24 hours notice of changes to your previously agreed appointment date and time.
We accept cash, cheques and all major debit and credit cards, except American Express.